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      Benzoyl peroxide
    Tert-Butyl peroxybenzoate
    Tert-Butyl hydroperoxide
    Di-tert-Butyl peroxide
    Acetyl chloride
    2,4-Dichlorobenzoyl peroxide

    Product Name: Di-tert-Butyl peroxide
    Structural formula:
    Molecular formula: C8H18O2
    Molecular weight: 146.23
    Property: Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid. Special gravity(D204):0.7940,melting point:-40,flash point:65°C(open),refractive index(n20D):1.3890,boiling point:111°C;insoluble in water,soluble in benzene, light petroleum and toluene. Stable at normal temperature.
    Quality standards:
    Enterprise standard Top quality First quality Second quality
    Appearance Colorless or yellowish liquid Colorless or
    yellowish liquid
    Colorless or yellowish liquid
    Content(%) ≥99 ≥97% ≥95%
    Tert-Butyl hydroperoxide (%) ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.5
    Use: Used as initiator of high-pressure polyethylene, polystyrene and crosslinking agent of silicon rubber.
    Packing: Packing:10kg, 20kg plastic pail or on the clients' requirements.
    Note:This product is grade one peroxid,it can not be transported with other products.
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